The Schools Without Walls programme delivers a wide range of outdoor learning activities to children and young people throughout Sussex

The dedicated team are passionate about combining creativity and connecting everyone to the natural world. Through the Art Active …Naturally project Schools Without Walls support hard-to-reach and disadvantaged young people. Working with local artists the students produce art installations which are exhibited at Elderflower Fields and Into the Trees. The focus is to promote creativity for all, offering opportunities to experience a creative education and to draw on the ability of natural environments to enhance creativity.

Through school projects, children and young people take part in workshops both in school and in the natural environment with professional artists to create unique pieces for interactive outdoor art trails. Schools Without Walls work closely with schools that have above-average levels of pupils receiving free school meals (pupil premium funding) and high levels of special educational needs. This support and develops creativity, connecting to nature, the environment and sustainability issues.

Art Active…Naturally participants and their families are invited to see their work and experience the Elderflower Fields adventure, bringing a sense of shared cultural experience to a wider community. It is always a joy to see young artists take pride in showing off their pieces to other festival guests and we hope to offer this opportunity to many more young people in the future.

Schools Without Walls also work closely with The Chomp network  – a vital charity providing food and activities in the school holidays for students receiving free school meals.

In 2022 Schools Without Walls Art Active ..Naturally programme was recognised in the UK Festival Awards 2022 shortlisted for the Community Impact Award.

You can support the work of Schools Without Walls in the community through your ticket purchases to Elderflower Fields. There is an option to add a donation at checkout and your money will go directly to help the project further. We are very grateful for any donations, however small.

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